Camping on stilts
Growing up, I was a Campfire Girl (a more politically correct version of the Girl Scouts for any of you non-members of the Free-to-be-you-and-me generation), so it's not as if I've never slept in a tent or peed in the woods...but it's been a good long while since I’ve done either, so perhaps you can understand why living on our boat as it sits on dry land has been a bit of an adjustment.
First, the current distance from the ground to Cielo's cockpit is about 10 feet--and the ladder tied to her hull, while sturdy is still, well, a ladder. And so every time you need to get on or off the or night...empty or full hands....empty or full bladder (did I mention, the plumbing doesn't work when the boat is on the hard) you must clamber up or down said ladder. I am not complaining...but with our health insurance application still in process, I do feel just a bit nervous.
We also have no refrigeration (that requires being in the water as well), which makes cooking somewhat challenging...luckily, there are lots of cheap restaurants in walking distance and we've
So, all of that said (or written), we actually don't mind (at least for a little while) living on the hard and are enjoying the opportunity to get some much needed repairs taken care of. Of course we're looking forward to getting back out on the water—but this little respite on land certainly holds its own sense of adventure, and serves as a continuation of the one constant I’ve experienced on our trip thus far, which is the need to constantly adjust to change.
I am up tonight reading the blog and i have to say that today my life was more interesting than yours!!! I was at the game today (NCSU vs. Louisville) and we suck, we are horrible. I hope all is well and I just wanted to be a part of your adventure. Take care.
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